What a week for bacon! Salon Magazine has officially dubbed this “Pork Week” and kicked it off with an article about America’s Bacon Mania. Something like BeatleMania for carnivores? This article gave it up for lots of our favorite bacon blogs, and touched on tons of cool products. Somehow they missed the Society, but we forgive them, because that’s how we roll. Royally understanding. Check out Salon all week for articles about bacon, including today’s feature on curing your own bacon. The author makes a great point about learning to respect the animal behind the meat.
Miami Dish also has an article about bacon loving today, and we have to say thanks to Trina for the mad props. (If you’re visiting the Miami area, Miami Dish can tell you where to go for the best food finds.) Although some of the best bacon blogs have been around for years, this craze with the pork belly seems to keep surging up like waves on a beach. Nearly every non-vegetarian food site has a bacon section, or has professed their love in one way or another. Bacon has been a huge star on America’s Next Top Chef. A year ago, New York Restaurants writers claimed that bacon had “jumped the shark” with the arrival of Bacon Salt. Well I hate to say it, boys, but it looks like bacon is here to stay.
Finally, I must thank Dave at Dave’s Cupboard for giving me a little inspiration. Although I wouldn’t call myself a foodie, I do love to cook and try new things. Last month’s detailed instructions for whiskey curing bacon presented me with an exciting challenge, and I think I’m up for it. I’ll let you know how it goes. Check out Dave’s bacon section for lots of other great finds and tips.
I suggest we all take a cue from Salon and take this week to celebrate bacon! I know it’s made my life a little more tasty, and writing about it has made it a lot more fun. Viva la Bacon!