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Bacon Gifts

Holiday Bacon

So after years of Marianne raving about Thanksgiving at her house, I am finally going to be attending her feast today.  I was so excited yesterday (and still am today!) that I spent the evening creating a gift for Marianne…
November 27, 2008
Bacon Recipes

Amazin’ Cajun Bacon

Even before bacon exploded in bits all over the internets, I have to admit I considered myself somewhat of a bacon connoisseur.  However, my proof of expertise back then was that I had tried all the local grocery store brand…
November 25, 2008
Bacon Porn

Making Friends with Bacon

As Homer Simpson so sagely warned us, "you don't make friends with salad." In view of this wisdom, we have scoured the internet seeking those bacon creations which most make us want to kiss the chef. Tune in every Friday…
March 14, 2008
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