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While listening to NPR last October or so, I heard an interview with the inventors of a miracle. It’s called BaconSalt, and I was immediately enthralled. There was even a really great creative financing story behind its inception, so I just had to give it a try. By ordering 18 bottles. I gave them to friends and loved ones for Christmas.

Check it. It’s free of calories. It’s kosher. It’s vegan. It’s…frankly, delicious. My husband and I have used it on steaks, mixed into burgers, on baked potatoes and, our personal favorite, on boiled eggs. Seriously, eggs and bacon without all that…wait. Why would we ever want to skip the real bacon? Oh yeah, because of the whole not wanting to die of carotid arterial blockage.

Does it taste exactly like bacon? I won’t lie, nothing’s that good. But can it add a smoky, salty goodness to your favorite recipes without all the fat? That’s a big 10-4. If you’ve already tried this miracle of modern science, please share your feedback and favorite uses. Lord knows I can’t get enough.

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