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asparagus.jpgThere are so many things to love about springtime in Santa Barbara. Warm weather. Long days. The smell of jasmine. Beautiful fruit. Fresh, crisp veggies. One of our favorite spring and summer activities is to fire up the BBQ, no matter what we’re cooking. Yes, we’ve even mastered BBQing bacon.

I used to fancy myself the outdoor chef, but in the last year my husband has really let his colors show. He has become the ultimate grill master, and I will happily let him have the title. There’s nothing the man can’t accomplish with some fire, foil and a little propane. Last night was an extra special treat. Not only did he wrap our farmers market asparagus in many slices of bacon, he also grilled up a beautiful white seabass that he himself speared at our local islands. Top that off with rosemary from our own yard and we were feeling pretty darn organic. Mmm…organic and bacony.

We often talk about the fact that we have access to so many more great, fresh ingredients than our parents did when we were growing up. A bag of mixed salad used to be iceberg lettuce and some carrots. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts were a crazy extravagance in which our mothers would never have indulged. And, not growing up in Santa Barbara, we never saw a real farmers market until we were adults.

And so we pledge to take every advantage of how small our world has become, and how accessible its delicious bounty. Join us! Get out there, enjoy the springtime weather, and do some grilling! And never forget, everything tastes better wrapped in bacon.

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