Internet, I love you. You let people do and say whatever they want, and you don’t judge them for it. If people want to shout their political views, you give them a soapbox to stand on. If they want to share their beautiful artwork, you provide them a virtual museum. And if they want to make t-shirts and accessories to proclaim their love of bacon, by gum you become a mega-mall of bounty.
The CafePress Bacon Shop has an amazing array of bacon shirts, hats, onesies, panties, aprons, dog shirts, clocks…the list goes on and on. I had a hard time deciding which images to include in this post. There are so many good ones. I loved “OMG IT’S BACON!” and “I’d like you more if you smelled like bacon.” And oh my gosh the “100% Pure Kitten Bacon.” Who are these people and what do they do when they’re not designing bacon t-shirts?
As far as I’m concerned, 90% of my Christmas, birthday, anniversary and bridal shower shopping is now under control. The other 10% will be done at the grocery store. Thanks, CafePress, for making my life so easy. And thank you, Internet, for being my everything.