I once titled a post Bacon Sushi? because I figured...it doesn't exist. I can waste that title because I'll never find real bacon sushi to post about, right? Right?! WRONG! So let me backtrack by saying that my husband and…
I know you've heard a lot from me lately, but today I really HAD TO write. Last Friday was my 3-year Adoptiversary, and man did I score! I started the day by receiving a snazzy new collar that totally complements…
I'll admit it, I'm starting to feel like a bacon wuss. A softy. A pushover. I'm so easily stunned by the news of amazing bacon inventiveness I should be ashamed. Like this lovely hot dog from 4505 Meats. It's uncured…
Once again, Royal Bacon Society was fortunate to receive some product for review, and some coupons to share with our readers! Representatives of Kraft asked us to try their new Deli Deluxe Bacon Cheddar. As much as I love to…
Last night the roommates brought home the BEST. TREAT. EVER. They're called Bakon Stripz, and like the bag says, they do make me go wacko. Stark-raving, foaming at the mouth insane, in fact. They smell exactly like barbecue sauce, which…