Christmas is awesome. I don't know much about why we do it or what it's for, I just know that everyone hangs out at home all week and I get ridiculous amounts of treats and special dinners. Last week alone…
Aaaah, the holidays. I just finished a nine-day weekend, and will be back at work for just two days before another five-day weekend. And amazingly, I still feel like I could use more time. I'm pretty confident that I could…
Do I smell bacon? I've always thought that bacon was a highly valuable commodity. My entire life I've been hearing about pork belly futures, and honestly, nothing works better as a bribe to get people out of bed. So I…
So my husband is a real sport. He's got many tattoos, most of them on a nautical theme as he is, himself, a nautical man. However, in the spirit of supporting me and Naseem and our blogging endeavor, he has…
In the current climate of economic FREAKOUT, everyone is looking for ways to cut back, stretch their dollar a little further, maybe get creative with classic low-budget foods like ramen and iceberg lettuce. (Believe me, I've been there. When we…
When I was a kid, I tried countless times to make potato pancakes with leftover mashed potatoes. My problem was that there was no internet or Food Network when I was a kid, and I never found a real recipe.…
We all know that bacon is a delight to smell, to eat, to look at. Along with coffee and baking cookies, it's a feast for the senses that makes me feel instantly warm and happy, not to mention hungry. What…
Earlier this year, I decided to stop eating wheat products. Which, although it has made me feel 10 times more healthy, was at first an incredibly difficult transition because I love carbs. Maybe more than I love bacon. And topping…
Have you heard of Wordle? This is exactly the kind of silly internet program that just tickles me to no end. All you do is go to Wordle  and enter in some content, or even just your website's url, and…
And so tonight I plan to raise a pint and make a silent plea for the plight of our Irish friends. May the gods of cattle smile on their gentle herds, and give them back their tasty bacon.
If you're like me, you still haven't purchased holiday cards to send to your friends and family. Or, maybe you're considering using the cards you have leftover from last year...mine feature a bottle of Maker's Mark with a scarf around…
I'm only a recent convert to the Cobb Salad. I grew up in a time and place where salads consisted of iceberg lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers with any variety of gloopy dressings available, preferably something mayo based in my household.…
That Mr. Dave at the Ridiculous Food Society just keeps wowing me! You may remember that in October he made sausage entirely out of bacon, a feat heretofore unheard of. So of course I have to check in on him…