See this crazy kid? See how he's dancing for the sheer love of bacon? That song he's jamming to is written by one of the Society's favorite rock stars and product reviewers, Parry Gripp. You may know Parry as a…
This is Aaron Rowand. He's a baseball player. He formerly played for the White Sox and the Phillies, and is currently center fielder for the San Francisco Giants. I cannot tell you how often I come across his name during…
So I was "surfing the net" as you humans say, and I found this great photo of a bacon-wrapped cat. Well, I guess that's an exaggeration, but it is a cat with bacon on it. Was I searching for bacon-wrapped…
In case you were looking for something to do this weekend, and in case you happen to love motorcycles and bacon, we have an event for you! The First (and hopefully not last) Annual Bacon Run starts in San Diego and…
When I walk down State Street during the day, it seems like 50% of the people I encounter are listening to their iPods. (Or whatever. I call every mp3 player an iPod, just like I call all colas Coke and…
Internet, this bacon product might terrify you at first glance. It's not the format we're used to, and frankly sounded kind of gross when I first heard about it. But upon furthern inspection of the makers behind Bacon Jam, I…