This may be old hat to a lot of you bacon maniacs - baconiacs? - but I've been wanting to try a bacon maple latte since I first heard about the Pirate Cat Radio version from Anthony Bourdain. Alas, it's…
Tired of all the political noise and talking heads? Bacon Bomb. I believe that says it all. Oh, and stay tuned for the Parry Gripp audio at the end. This video has it all. Thanks Megan, for bringing the bacon.
Okay baconeers, here's something I'm really excited about. I may have mentioned before that I like heavy beers like Guinness and double black or chocolate stouts. Although you can't drink a lot of it, I love the depth of flavors…
We were recently contact by Greg Kiesow, the creator of Crystal Bacon (no relation to Crystal Pepsi). Never heard of it? That's because Crystal Bacon is a project in the works, a project that needs a little help. Greg is…
Snackle Mouth! My name is Marianne, and I'm a snacker. I've been snacking my entire life, and I have no intention to give it up. They're going to throw me out of Snackers Anonymous. But not before I tell you…
Our lovely friends at Baconery are having a Tax Day Sale, just for us bacon lovers! So take those refund dollars and treat yourself to something special. Or, if you're like me, drown your Tax Day sorrows in salty, chocolately…
Looking for the zaniest of bacon products this lovely spring weekend? We've got you covered, and then some. This year is even better than last. Let's begin with our friends at Green Works, a product I personally use and love.…
In case you were looking for something to do this weekend, and in case you happen to love motorcycles and bacon, we have an event for you! The First (and hopefully not last) Annual Bacon Run starts in San Diego and…
This absolutely blows my mind. My good friends Chrissy and Smiley went to a taping of The Price is Right for their 4-year anniversary, because they are awesome like that. To my utter delight, Smiley was picked and yes, he…
Blogging is hard work, you know? Eating bacon. Writing about eating bacon. Thinking about eating and writing about bacon. It wears on a girl. We recently got a beautiful package in the mail from Leigh at Naughty Bits Brownies. And…
We've recently updated the Royal Bacon Society Bacon Store with all kinds of new and awesome bacon products. Here's our top 10 picks for this holiday gift giving season. Be sure to check out our Gifts and Stocking Stuffers sections…
Okay, my husband is officially the best. He's a diver and a spearfisherman, and I'm extremely fortunate to be the beneficiary of those skills. While he's very selective and judicious about how much he takes, I have certainly had my…
Last month I came up with this little recipe in order to participate in a Spaghetti Western can't do a pasta event without meatballs, right? Turns out, the meatballs were a hit and, since my husband missed that event,…
This weekend while the husband and I were biking around downtown, we decided to stop at Union Ale and grab a sandwich and a beer. Because, you know, casually rolling around in 75 degree weather is thirsty work. IÂ meant to…
It's that time of year again when RBS gets involved with a Genesis West fundraiser. This year, it's a Spaghetti Western theme with a wide and weird variety of pastas, full-on barnyard atmosphere (live animals included), and a classic…
Santa Barbara has seen a rash of mobile food eateries pop up in the past year or so, as seen here in John Dickson's Food Truck Guide. In my opinion, this is one of the greatest things that can happen…