Over the past few years, I've been building my soup repetoire. I've got everything from mulligatawny to chicken & dumplings to albondigas in the line-up, and each fall I start seeking out new recipes to add to the list.…
You've no doubt noticed the banner ad for Foodbuzz to the right of our daily postings. They're a foodie/food blogger community that has sponsored nearly every worthwhile food site in the blogiverse. They recently made their official launch, and we…
Dudes. I am seriously blown away by this latest of culinary creations. Adam Kuban of Serious Eats/A Hamburger Today got a tip from one of his readers about a sandwich now dubbed the Hamburger Fatty Melt, a four-ounce burger patty…
In the tradition of seeing the Virgin Mary on your tortilla or the Shroud of Turin on your toast, this nice lady saw a vision of hippos in her rashers. And I think this may be a true miracle, because…
It was way back in November when we featured Boca Java's Maple Bacon Morning coffee. I think I ordered it that very day, it just sounded too irresistible. When it arrived, I was thrilled to find it had a one-way air…
On the Fourth of July, I was shopping at our local fancy-schmancy grocery store, Lazy Acres. It's like the small-town version of a Whole Foods. I love their produce, their cheese department, their fantastic wine and liquor selection, and...the meat…