Internet, welcome to your new favorite site! The Reddit Cats with Bacon page is AMAZINGLY fun, and full of fabulous photos and videos guessed it, cats with bacon. And not just images like this one of a scheming cat…
I know the 4th of July was almost a week ago, and that by posting a week late I seem deeply ungrateful for my many liberties, but that popcorn post was really important. Plus? I was too hungover on Sunday…
Here's a lovely piece of truth from poopbear. See more of Mr. Poopbear's art here, and let this little reminder carry you through the day until you can get home and have some bacon. Sometimes its the only thing makes…
It's a frightening world we live in. You never know from whence the next despotic ruler will spring. And today we can report, one has sprung from bacon. Worse than the Soup Nazi, it's Bacon Hitler. And he's wearing…
You gotta love The New Yorker. Wry, urbane, and recently under attack for some controversial cover art. You know what? It's not going to make me stop reading. Not when the latest edition features the Fourteen Passive-Aggressive Appetizers that would…
Will wonders never cease? I just ran across a recipe for homemade vegan bacon, using coconut as its base. I don't usually do this, but here's the recipe: 3 large handfuls of bulk coconut 1 tablespoon liquid smoke 2 tablespoons…