Yes indeed, it's Memorial Day Weekend, and that can only mean one thing: Barbecue! And while the local weather appears to be less than cooperative today, I fully intend to wrap some steak and shrimp and chicken in bacon and…
You know what goes great with bacon? (Ummm...everything?) Yeah well, this time I was thinking of bacon's cousin, the pork roast. I've seen a lot of recipes lately for bacon-wrapped pork roasts of various cuts, but I must admit the…
A couple days ago my favorite blogger, dooce, told an amusing story about how she scientifically and irrefutably proved that microwave-safe plastic bowls cannot withstand the magma-hot intensity of fresh bacon grease. Nice work, Heather. The world owes you big…
My diet is pretty boring. I get some supposedly healthy kibble twice a day, a handful of treats if I look cute enough, and all the water I can drink. Woop-dee-doo. Water. I know my roommates have beer and wine…
I have been asked to guest commentate on the subject of bacon and bacon flavored treats. My hobbies are extensive and include licking my butt and chasing things, but treats are definitely #1 on that list. I happen to be…
This commercial reminds me of the excruciating year that my husband and I decided to be vegetarians. It would have been a lovely experiment if we hadn't both gained 10 pounds from all the extra carbs and cheese we packed…