It must be a wonderful time to be a vegetarian. Beyond the bounty of fresh and exotic produce available year round, there are some great companies out there making tasty meat alternatives. Heck, I'm not a vegetarian and I love…
I just realized that one of reasons I'm so obsessed with bacon is that my husband is an enabler. He finds more and more ways to use the magical meat in recipes I would never have considered. This week, after…
Last night the roommates brought home the BEST. TREAT. EVER. They're called Bakon Stripz, and like the bag says, they do make me go wacko. Stark-raving, foaming at the mouth insane, in fact. They smell exactly like barbecue sauce, which…
Never truer words were spoken. I mentioned in my Denny's Baconalia post that Denny's marketing campaign was both smart and funny. They showed us clips from the coverage they received for Baconalia 2011, and I can see where they got…
I know what you're thinking: A fairy who comes through your window at night and leaves bacon under your pillow, right? But no, this is even more strange. We have discovered a website called Gale's Gifts, where Gale sells a…