We all love bacon and we all love people dressed up as bacon. Check out our top 10 favorite bacon-themed costumes that are available in our store for Halloween this year!
By far the most popular post we've ever done was Bacon Wrapped Eggs. I don't know what it was about that recipe that made everyone's mouth water so, but we got lots of great feedback and alternative recipe suggestions. Since…
We recently entered a contest hosted by our sponsor, Foodbuzz. It was a BACON recipe contest, and we felt it would be an embarrassment not to enter. Because, you know, we're a bacon blog. We were not victorious (an outrage!) but I…
This is Aaron Rowand. He's a baseball player. He formerly played for the White Sox and the Phillies, and is currently center fielder for the San Francisco Giants. I cannot tell you how often I come across his name during…