In the tradition of seeing the Virgin Mary on your tortilla or the Shroud of Turin on your toast, this nice lady saw a vision of hippos in her rashers. And I think this may be a true miracle, because…
If a kitty and an itty-bitty piglet can get along, then there's hope for all of us. Happy almost-Valentine's Day! Thanks, Holly, for this adorable find.
Ready to proclaim your commitment? Not QUITE ready to wear it on a t-shirt like a billboard? Well here's the perfect compromise. The I Love Bacon Necklace. Simultaneously bold yet understated, casual observers may even mistake it for the infamous…
I know Bacon Man may be old news to many of you, but I finally wanted to put in my two cents. You know what I admire about Bacon Man? The way all dogs love him. And even more important,…
Lately I've been trying to determine my specific relationship to food. I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, but I'm no gourmet. I love to eat, but I don't think I qualify as a "foodie." I think what…
When I saw this chart, I just had to laugh because IT'S TRUE!! I have had many such revelations in my life. Like the time when my husband (then my 20-year-old boyfriend) and I were walking through the grocery store…