And you thought the race between Obama and McCain was tough. Can you imagine having to choose between Bacon and Fries? Although clearly, the more versatile candidate won. Somehow I just knew Bacon was a Dem. via lazerdave's Flickr…
I don't know what it is, but lately I've received a number of product offers from people making innovative, bacon-flavored snacks. Anyone who's known me any length of time will tell you that I love free stuff. In fact, you…
So I know the Bacon Explosion is probably getting old for some of you, but I never made it because I don't like sausage. I'm a little slow on the up-take, but eventually an idea came to me: substitute hamburger…
When my husband became enamored of Eggs Benedict, I learned to make them at home. The hollandaise is time-consuming, but not as difficult as I had imagined. The egg poaching, however, I never quite mastered. Instead, I bought these handy…
Lately my husband has been extolling the virtues of popcorn as an evening snack over, say, chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. He particularly likes to share a big bowl if we're planning to watch a movie or a marathon session…