I thought that headline sounded more dramatic and exciting with the year thrown on the end, like a breaking news story. Which I suppose this is, because hey! It's an actual bacon watch! As in, a watch made of bacon!…
I don't know about you, Internet, but I find holiday weekends a royal strain on the wallet. Between the drinks with friends, breakfasts and dinners with friends, pedicures, bottles of wine at the house, cases of beer at the house...well,…
I used to have a roommate who religiously did the wake & bake, something I found pretty irritating most days, since he had to walk through my bedroom to get to the bathroom for his morning shower. (Worst house design…
Could there be two more heavenly words than bacon and pizza? And I don't mean that Canadian variety so popular with the pineapples. I'm talking fat-marbled, skillet-fried, greasy, delicious bacon. According to Serious Eats' Slice report, Famous Original Ray's in…
I know what you're thinking: A fairy who comes through your window at night and leaves bacon under your pillow, right? But no, this is even more strange. We have discovered a website called Gale's Gifts, where Gale sells a…
Well then, have I got the shirt for you! No Star Clothing has come up with this brilliant design, based on a wicked idea for a tattoo. I really love this t-shirt. I'm not usually the type to wear my…